I’m sitting in the Audi close to
Altenmarkt and I’m restless. Bob Marley is singing about freedom on Ö3 and it’s
completely dark outside. We’re on our way to Kranjska Gora. I’m feeling
excited! My stay at home did good. I realized that I was pretty tired and that
my back and deeper hip muscles we’re pretty messed up. Tony and Tero at SUF did
a good job opening them up and softening them. Felt pretty weird when I had a
hand pressing through my stomach and touching muscles directly connected to my
I concentrated on gym training at
home. On the road I try to do at least one gym training per week, rather two if
possible. But it’s been difficult when I’ve been racing so much. Feels strange
after last season when I got in the rhythm of making 3-4 per week, but I had a
lot of work on that side at the time and only the race at the Olympics. I like
working at the gym, gives me self-confidence and a good feeling!
though it was mostly gym training, I went for a run on the ice outside my home.
It was cool and the scenery was beautiful!
hopefully some good GS training days in Kranjska, we’re going to Hinterstoder
on Friday. Watch Andy score some points in SG on Saturday and then it’s our
turn on Sunday!
Have a
nice day!